2010年4月26日 星期一

My point of view for this short movie

I am the producer for this short movie, and Eddie is the director. Our purpose is making an attractive movie, so that all audiences will enjoy watching it.

I think the most attractive part of this short movie is human size robot fight with a man, I will try my best to make the robot as big as a real people, and looks like powerful and smart. I want to make this robot more violence than the other character of this movie, because I think it will be more attracting from this way, our human character want try his best to defense and counterattack.
On the other hand, I think the theme of this movie itself is interesting and attractive. Because robot does not commonly exist in reality, in the other words, robot comes from future, robot representing science fiction, future, high technology, high IQ and vigorous. People always want to know the future and also curious about anything from future, robot is another thing they concerning about.


1. Tony's Room. DAY
Tony throw some rubbish into a rubbish pin.

2. rubbish dump. DAY
Tony walking on rubbish dump with a big bag rubbish, then throw the big bag rubbish to the rubbish dump, then Rubbish Terminator wakes up slowly behind Tony, at this moment Tony can feel something wrong right behind him, then he turn his face back and look at Rubbish Terminator. Rubbish Terminator look at Tony and walking to the Tony, Tony run away.

3. Street. DAY
Tony run on the street, Rubbish Terminator is after him. Tony thow lots of thing to the Rubbish Terminator try to destroy it. but it doesn't work, those things just makes Terminator turning bigger. Tony run again.

4. Street(End of road). DAY
There is no way out, Tony beg to Terminator say sorry, and he promise that he will never waste thing like that again. then...the Terminator is gone....

Written by Eddie Liu

2010年4月21日 星期三

charactor setting

There are two main charactors in this short movie, one is a real people, and the other is a human size robot. We want to make this robot looks like a real people, he can move, fight and even run. However, we want to make this short movie looks move attractive.
First things first, we want to make a human size robot, we have to collect several materials, for example, iron shelf, iron wires, plastic boxes, paper boxes and some used cans. We can make iron shelf as robot frameworks, and plastic boxes, paper boxes as his skin. On the other hand, we can use iron wires as robot fingers, two cans as his eyes.
Firstly, we must make sure that our robot can move, so that we cannot use too hard iron wires and iron shelf. If audiences wants to see a robot very close to a human, I think we better adding some stuffs on robot fingers, because if there just some iron wires as fingers, it will looks weird.
Finally, there are some pictures about robot, we just thinking about which one is more suitable for our robot.


Shot 1
High Angle

Main Character (Tony) throw a can to the rubbish bin

Storyboard by Eddie Liu

Shot 2
(WS) Wide Shot

Tony throw big bag rubbish to the rubbish dump

Shot 3
(MS) Medium shot

Rubbish Terminator wakes up slowly

nervous music start to play.

Shot 4
(CU) Close - up

Tony turn his face slowly look what things is behind him, he saw a Rubbish Terminator.

Shot 5
(CU) Close - up

Rubbish Terminator look at Tony.

Shot 6
(CU) Close - up

Tony look back at Rubbish Terminator.

Shot 7
Medium Shot

Rubbish Terminator walk come slowly to the screen (means close to Tony)

Shot 8
Wide Shot

Tony run away.

Storyboard by Eddie Liu

Contextual research

This is a short film Eddie edited for research, to show the way we goning to make. as we can see this example here, some take mind be use animation technology to created. but there are still some Non-Animation take can be just use part of object to hand control it. it can help us to continue the sence and save part of filmmaking times.

Written by Eddie Liu


This film is about a man who always waste things recklessly, than..one day, the Rubbish becomes a rubbish robot (Terminator) come to revenge to him. he have to fight with this robot, he try very hard to kill him, but nomatter how much he try, every time he throw something to this robot, those things just make this robot truns to bigger. finally, the main charactor(Tony) decide to give up, and beg to mercy, and he also promise that he will never waste thing like that again, the Tony's introspection save his life. the rubbish terminator has gone.....

This is a simple script, we just try to make this rubbish robot work in the animation way, that's an idea. this story just about 2 ~ 3 minutes long...

Written by Eddie Liu

Film crew experience

This is Eddie's film crew made by 2009 last year in Waikato video production 3 (VP3)

We can understand that how much probability of this Animation project to be possible made through this work.This work only shoot by two weekend (4 days), than work much day on CGI effect (by using Affter Effect).

Film information:

Year: 2009
Director: Eddie Liu
Script play: Eddie Liu
Producer: Eddie Liu / Jessica Zou
Film editor: Eddie Liu
Director of photography: Eddie Liu

10 minutes
Language: English



2009 STALKER 3D Version

we are also possible to make our animation film in 3D, but we just think that maybe not to, because we don't need to do it.

Written by Eddie Liu

The Concept of project

Brief for Assignment 1: Proposal

SMST318-10A: Animation Studies

Rubbish Terminator

Idea from

  • Terminator (1984)
  • Director: James Cameron
  • Writers: James Cameron / Gale Ann Hurd
In the film Terminator (1984) Director James Cameron first time try to use and Human size robot model to created the successful character, In this film, Director just use Animation theorem to shot this human size robot sec by sec (frame by frame) and part of effect by using make up techniques.

in this example we can see how much unnatureal movement in the each shot, but it still make sence, because it is a robot machine, the movement can be move like this way.

But, to try to make this effect looks better, the director find out the way to solve the robot unnatural movement problem, we can see how he mix some takes with close up takes without any animation skill, which is not shot frame by frame, In those close up shot , he just use hand to control it make movement to be looks like more natural.

Written by Eddie Liu